About Us

RNG Solutions LLC is a leading software distribution and technology solutions company operating in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Oman, Bahrain, and Qatar. As the exclusive sole distributor and direct representative of Tally Solutions, we specialize in providing Tally software and allied products to meet the diverse needs of businesses across the region. Established with a commitment to delivering excellence and innovation, RNG Solutions LLC has become a trusted partner for businesses seeking efficient, customized, and reliable software solutions.
Through gaining experience in various economic periods, our team are able to identify the best opportunities whether we are in good times or bad times. Good times provide growth in our portfolio and bad times, despite the potential negative effects, can provide opportunities.

Core Services

Tally Software Distribution

As the authorized distributor for Tally Solutions, RNG Solutions LLC provides businesses with access to the latest Tally software and updates. We offer a comprehensive range of Tally products tailored to various industries and business sizes.

Dashboard Creation

Visualize Your Success: Our experts design and implement intuitive dashboards that offer real-time insights into your financial and operational data. Make informed decisions and monitor your business’s performance at a glance.

Tally Customization

We understand that each business is unique. Therefore, we offer Tally customization services to tailor the software to your specific needs. Our expert team can modify and optimize Tally solutions to match your business processes seamlessly.

Software Implementation and Training

Smooth Transition, Confident Team: We ensure a seamless transition to Tally software, minimizing downtime and disruptions. Our comprehensive training programs equip your team with the skills needed to harness the full potential of Tally.

Mobile App Development

In today’s fast-paced business environment, mobile applications are essential for staying connected and productive. RNG Solutions LLC offers mobile app development services to help you reach your customers and employees on the go.

RDP and Cloud Solutions

Anywhere, Anytime Access: Experience the freedom of secure and convenient access to Tally with our Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) and cloud solutions. Ensure business continuity and data security with our cloud-based services.

Our Mission

Our mission is to deliver Tally Software products and the highest quality allied services, including customization, integration, mobile app development, dashboard creation, software implementation, training, RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol), Cloud solutions, and Android-based Tally Integrated Route Sale Solutions. These services enable businesses to work remotely, optimize their operations, and achieve their objectives. We aim to be the preferred choice for businesses in the UAE, other GCC countries, and the MENA region when it comes to software and technology solutions.

Our Vision

To empower businesses across the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the MENA region with cutting-edge software solutions and technology services that enhance productivity, streamline operations, and drive sustainable growth.

Our experience

Tally Software Distribution 95%
Tally Customization 95%
Mobile App Development 90%
Dashboard Creation 95%
Software Implementation and Training 85%
RDP and Cloud Solutions 85%
Tally Integrated Route Sale Solutions: 80%

Are you looking for professional tally customization partner call us +971-55-9570991