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    Android-based Tally Integrated Route Sale Solutions

    Efficiency on the Go: Our Android-based solutions seamlessly integrate Tally with your route sales operations, facilitating efficient order processing, inventory management, and sales tracking while in the field.

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    RDP and Cloud Solutions

    Anywhere, Anytime Access: Experience the freedom of secure and convenient access to Tally with our Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) and cloud solutions. Ensure business continuity and data security with our cloud-based services.

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    Software Implementation & Training

    Smooth Transition, Confident Team: We ensure a seamless transition to Tally software, minimizing downtime and disruptions. Our comprehensive training programs equip your team with the skills needed to harness the full potential of Tally.

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    Dashboard Creation

    Visualize Your Success: Our experts design and implement intuitive dashboards that offer real-time insights into your financial and operational data. Make informed decisions and monitor your business’s performance at a glance.

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    Mobile App Development

    Mobilize Your Business: We develop mobile applications that seamlessly integrate with Tally, providing you with the flexibility to access vital data and perform essential tasks while on the move. Stay connected and in control, no matter where you are.

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    Tally Customization

    Tailored to Perfection: Our team specializes in customizing Tally to match the unique requirements of your business. Whether it’s creating custom modules, reports, or workflows, we ensure Tally aligns perfectly with your industry and operational needs.

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    About Us

    RNG Solutions LLC is a leading software distribution, implementation, and technology solutions company operating in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), other GCC countries, and the MENA region. As the Authorized Gold Partner of Tally Solutions Private Limited, we specialize in providing Tally Solutions’ products and allied services to meet the diverse needs of businesses across the region. Established with a commitment to delivering excellence and innovation, RNG Solutions LLC has become a trusted partner for businesses seeking efficient, customized, and reliable software solutions.

    Why RNG Solutions?

    We are the authorized Gold Partner of Tally Solutions Private Limited, ensuring you receive authentic and up-to-date software products and support.

    With years of experience in the software distribution, implementation, and technology services industry, our team of professionals is well-equipped to address your unique business needs.

    We understand that one size doesn’t fit all. Our services are customizable to meet the specific requirements of your business.

    We prioritize customer satisfaction and work closely with you to ensure our solutions align with your business goals.

    We stay ahead of the curve by constantly innovating and adapting to the latest industry trends and technologies to provide you with reliable and future-proof solutions.

    All-in-One Tally Solution
    Providers in UAE - Dubai

    Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward.

    • Authorized Gold Partner of Tally Solutions
    • Expertise and Experience
    • Tailored Solutions
    • Customer-Centric Approach
    • Innovation and Reliability
    • 24/7 Support with Live Chat


    Would you like to speak to one of our financial advisers over the phone? Just submit your details and we’ll be in touch shortly. You can also email us if you would prefer.